Once again, excellent article! How I still have great skin at 50 amazes me. Additionally, I plan to incorporate what worked for you into my lifestyle.
However, the only significant pattern in my life that I feel adds to the longevity of my healthy skin is the fact I drink close to 15 glasses of water a day and I have done that my whole life!
Born with rosacea, I did not realize my condition needed treatment until the last decade. While I am often complimented on my complexion (and I stopped wearing make up 30 years ago) rosacea can become a progressive condition that causes growth of unusual bumps, thickening of the nose, and obvious sites where blood vessels reside in clusters.
My reprieve thus far is using laser therapy. It is extremely painful but worth it to me as the sun affects me differently due to perimenopause. However, you have inspired me to begin with the elimation part of your article.
I am not a huge eater. In fact, I lost 40 pounds this year just by dealing with my feelings as they emerged. And what I do eat, berries, nuts, meat protein, vegetables etc seem to be beneficial.
It is my habit to add vanilla flavoring to my one cup of coffee that may affect my skin for the whole day!
Thank you again for sharing your experiences. I find them extremely useful.