Member-only story
Living with worshippers from a cult
Sylvia was an odd duck. I didn’t see it then but in retrospect and given new information, I realized she was a little nutty. My father was a handsome man who had no problem meeting the ladies. However, Sylvia happened to be the one love of which he could never let go.
Before I was born my dad was cheating on my mother with Sylvia, therefore when they started dating again, after the divorce, my mother was furious. My mother believed the affair had never ended even throughout their 11-year marriage. To this day I do not know.
Sylvia had certain quirks like she only flushed the toilet if it is necessary. She was obsessed with our weight and would bring small trampolines to our house for Jason and me to jump on while we watched television. And as a hypochondriac, she wore a sling out in public so she would never have to shake anyone’s disease-ridden hands. But most importantly Sylvia was a follower of Ramtha.
Ramtha was a 35,0000-year-old male god who lived as a mortal through a woman named JZ Knight. My dad and Sylvia would watch videos in an array of meditative poses of Ramtha giving lectures on how to live on Ramtha’s terms.