Finding Nemo Brain

Chelsea Renee MAT
3 min readAug 20, 2020

The untold secrets of child-rearing

Image by author

Motherhood: the best feeling in the world! . The sky looks brighter. The color blue looks bluer. You are deeply in love and more passionately than ever before in less than a day. Even with some postpartum, that feeling of love shines through.

In the next few years, you are on lock-down- A good kind of lock-down while managing your baby, continuously, 24 hours a day. You rarely shower. You forgot you had friends. And there is no way you feel like getting a job. It’s incredible and tiring and beautiful and stressful, and you become a person who knows every line of Finding Nemo. And that is your world.

But if you are like me…you eventually want more. However, if you are like me, I felt I should stay home because my child needed me around. Basically, I should-ed on myself. We parent tend to should a lot.

And then one day your friend calls. They are talking about this and that. They have a life that is full of fun and work and men and love and ongoing relationships. And you…you can only quote lines from Disney movies. It happens to all of us. And your friend laughs at you, and you laugh back. But, you don’t find it funny. You find it scary. You lost your brain somewhere between changing diapers and watching Toy Story 3, 2, and one.



Chelsea Renee MAT

Everyday mortal, person, human, eccentric, unconventional, educated, and most importantly, open-minded.